
26.06.2024 - 1:31 PM
Arsenal fest 2024
We are announced to perform on this year's Arsenal fest on 27th of June (first day of the festival) at 7.10 PM
Announcement on Arsenal's official website here.

01.04.2024 - 12:52 AM
''Doktrina pobede'' video premieres today!
We are thrilled to share that ''Doktrina pobede'', the first official video from the new album will be released today!
Primiere is set to happen today (01.04.) at 7 pm (GMT+2), and you can enter the waiting room here.

29.01.2024 - 2:01 PM
Od Pepela Do Večnosti is the album of the year 2023. according to SMP!
Our new album has been voted the best album of 2023. by the review team of Serbian Metal Portal!
We are thrilled and proud to announce this!
Read the announcement on SMP offical website here.
Find album on:
Album reviews:
Serbian Metal Portal
Time Machine Music